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胡志强 教授,博士生导师,崂山学者



陈绍晋19849,副教授博士所属单位化学与分子工程学院硕士生导师 20153月毕业于新加坡南洋理工大学,获理学博士学位。主要从事以下领域的研究工作:(1)有机合成方法学研究;(2)有机发光材料合成及性能研究。




国家自然科学基金青年基金(No. 21702114),项目负责人。


1) Chunfang Liu, Chunming Yuan, Guangjin Shi, Ke Jia, Jing Liu, Kunpeng Wang, Shaojin Chen, Zhiqiang Hu, Chiral binol-[4]helicene hybrids: Strong solid state organic emitters with aggregation enhanced emission and chiroptical properties, Dyes and Pigments,2023,210,110992.

2) Guangjin Shi, Yuedong Wang, Zhenxing Yu, Qi Zhang, Shaojin Chen, Liangzhong Xu, Kunpeng Wang, Zhiqiang Hu, The coumarin-pyrazole dye for detection of hydrogen sulfide in cells,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2023,285,121898.

3) Xiaolei Xue, Yang Wang, Hao Zhang, Shaojin Chen, Shuyan Niu, Lingyun Cui, Kunpeng Wang, Zhiqiang Hu, A coumarin-based fluorescent probe: single-wavelength excitation, discrimination of Cys/Hcy and GSH by naked eyes, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2023,292,122410.

4) Chunming Yuan, Chunfang Liu, Ke Jia, Jing Liu, Kunpeng Wang, Shaojin Chen, Guangming Nan, Zhiqiang Hu, Binaphthanol-derived emitters with aggregation-induced emission, acidochromic and chiral optical properties, Journal of Molecular Structure,2023,1276,134793.

5) Shaojin Chen, Ke Jia, Ying Fang, Chunfang Liu, Chunming Yuan, Jing Liu, Kunpeng Wang, Zhiqiang Hu, Highly emissive dimethylamino naphthalenyl phenylethene derivatives for visualization of latent fingerprints and imaging of lysosomes, Dyes and Pig-ments,2022,205,109127.

6) Guangjin Shi, Yuedong Wang, Zhenxing Yu, Qi Zhang, Shaojin Chen, Liangzhong Xu, Kunpeng Wang, Zhiqiang Hu, Large steric hindrance amide modified benzothiadiazole: High contrast mechanochromic luminescence and volatile acid vapor response, Dyes and Pigments,2022,204,110471.

7) Guangjin Shi, Zhenxing Yu, Yuedong Wang, Qi Zhang, Shaojin Chen, Liangzhong Xu, Kunpeng Wang, Zhiqiang Hu, Imidazobenzothiadiazole: A new multifunction dyes for mechanochromic luminescence, acid responsing and mitochondrial staining, Dyes and Pigments,2022,205,110531.

8) Yang Wang, Guangjin Shi, Xiaolei Xue, Qi Zhang, Kunpeng Wang, Shaojin Chen, Linsheng Tang, Zhiqiang Hu, A hemicyanine-based near-infrared fluorescent probe for visualizing biothiols fluctuations induced by Ag+ in mitochondria, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry,2022,433,114174.

9) Yang Wang, Guangjin Shi, Xiaolei Xue, Qi Zhang, Kunpeng Wang, Shaojin Chen, Linsheng Tang, Zhiqiang Hu, A hemicyanine-based near-infrared fluorescent probe for visualizing biothiols fluctuations induced by Ag+ in mitochondria, Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology A: Chemistry,2022,433,114174.

10) Ying Fang, Jun Wang, Hui Yu, Qi Zhang, Shaojin Chen, Kunpeng Wang, Zhiqiang Hu, A sequential dual-key-dual-lock fluorescent probe for detection of SO2 and H2O2 in cells and mice, Sensors & Actuators B: Chemical,2022,371,132514.

11) Shaojin Chen, Zhaohai Ge, Qiang Jia, Kunpeng Wang, Lihua Gan, Zhiqiang Hu, The Preparation of Enantiopure [6] and [7] Helicenes from Binaphthanol, Chem,2019, 14, 1462.

12) Ying Fang, Ruxing Chen, Haifeng Qin, Jiajia Wang, Qi Zhang, Shaojin Chen, Yonghong Wen, Kunpeng Wang, Zhiqiang Hu, A chromene based fluorescence probe: Accurate detection of peroxynitrite in mitochondria,not elsewhere, Sensors & Actuators B:Chemical,2021,334,129603.

13) Wenxuan Zhang, Qiang Jia, Yuanyuan Meng, Shaojin Chen, Yubing Zhang, Kunpeng Wang, Lihua Gan, Zhiqiang Hu, Dimethylamino naphthalene-based fluorescent probes for hydrogen sulfide detection and living cell imaging, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2020,228,117835.

14) Kunpeng Wang, Qinglei Zhang, Xiang Wang, Yang Lei, Wenjun Zheng, Shaojin Chen, Qi Zhang, Haiyu Hu, Zhi-Qiang Hu, A fluorescent probe based on tetrahydro[5]helicene derivative with large Stokes shift for rapid and highly selective recognition of hydrogen sulfide, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2019,214,487-495.

15) Shaojin Chen, Wenxuan Zhang, Qiang Jia, Yuanyuan Meng, Kunpeng Wang, Zhiqiang Hu, Dimethylamino naphthalene-based cyanostyrene derivatives with stimuli responsive luminescent properties, Dyes and Pigments, 171(2019) 107700.

16) Shaojin Chen, Zhaohai Ge, Qiang Jia, Kun-Peng Wang, LiHua Gan, and Zhi qiang Hu, Chem. The Preparation of Enantiopure [6]‐and [7] Helicenes from Binaphthanol, Asian J. 2019, 14, 1462-1466.

17) Shaojin Chen, Wenxuan Zhang, Wei Liu, Zhaohai Ge, Kunpeng Wang, Lihua Gan and Zhiqiang Hu, Binaphthanol-based organic fluorophores with color tunability and their optical properties CrystEngComm, 2019, 21, 2809-2817.

18) Shaojin Chen, Wei Liu, Wenxuan Zhang, Zhaohai Ge, Kunpeng Wang, Lihua Gan, Zhiqiang Hu, Dimethylamine substituted bisbenzocoumarin amides with solvatochromic and mechanochromic properties, Tetrahedron, 2019, 75, 3504-3509.

19) Kunpeng Wang, Wenjun Zheng, Yang Lei, Sijie Zhang, Qi Zhang, Shaojin Chen, Zhiqiang Hu, A thiophene-rhodamine dyad as fluorescence probe for ferric ion and its application in living cells imaging, Journal of Luminescence,2019,208,468-474.

20) Shaojin Chen, Wei Liu, Zhaohai Ge, Wenxuan Zhang, Kunpeng Wang and Zhiqiang Hu, Dimethylamine substituted bisbenzocoumarins: solvatochromic, mechanochromic and acidochromic properties ,CrystEngComm, 2018, 20, 5432-5441.

21) Shaojin Chen, Wei Liu, Zhaohai Ge, Wenxuan Zhang, Kunpeng Wang, Zhiqiang Hu, Spectrochim. Synthesis and studies of axial chiral bisbenzocoumarins: Aggregation-induced emission enhancement properties and aggregation-annihilation circular dichroism effects, Acta A, 2018, 193, 141-146.

22) Kunpeng Wang, Yang Lei, Jupeng Chen, Zhaohai Ge, Wei Liu, Qi Zhang, Shaojin Chen, Zhiqiang Hu, The coumarin conjugate: synthesis , photophysical properties and the ratiometric fluorescence response to water content of organic solvent, Dyes and Pigments,2018,151,233-237.

23) Kunpeng Wang, Jupeng Chen, Sijie Zhang, Yang Lei, Hua Zhong, Shaojin Chen, Xinhong Zhou, Zhiqiang Hu, Thiophene-based rhodamine as selective fluorescence probe for Fe(III) and Al(III) in living cells, Anal Bioanal Chem,2017,409,5547-5554.

24) Zhichao Jin, Shaojin Chen, Yuhuang Wang, Pengcheng Zheng, Song Yang, and Yonggui Robin Chi, β‐Functionalization of Carboxylic Anhydrides with β‐Alkyl Substituents through Carbene Organocatalysis, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53, 13506-13509.

25) Shaojin Chen, Lin Hao, Yuexia Zhang, Bhoopendra Tiwari, and Yonggui Robin Chi, Asymmetric access to the smallest enolate intermediate via organocatalytic activation of acetic ester, Org. Lett., 2013, 15, 5822-5825.